Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Joshua Tree National Park

After a long drive we reached Joshua Tree NP in the evening just after dark. Next morning we went for a nice walk (1 1/2 hours)  up to Mastodon Peak early, beautiful scenery, lot's of huge boulders, cacti (that took a while to find :-) ), always wary of the old rattle snake, although it would probably be too cold for those .

Later off to the visitor center to check on other walking tracks, only to learn that there is a forecast for a snow storm for the afternoon in the area we wanted to do our walk. Hmmmm. not good. We don't want to be caught by that storm so we decide to just drive through the NP and get on our way to the Death Valley. Sitting in the snow at Joshua Tree NP without internet or power  ( the generator is allowed only for 6 hours a day!) wouldn't be too much fun.

First longer trip on roads other than free/highways. Very relaxing drive despite some strong winds and rain later. The GPS works wonders!

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