Sunday, February 14, 2010

Death Valley


We arrive at Death Valley after not too long a drive shortly after lunch time. Actually, I believe the Death Valley  doesn't look that deadly at all. Apparently there was quite a lot of rain the week before, so most shrubs have fresh leaves and there is a glint of green over the otherwise rocky desert. We stay at Stovepipe Wells for the first night and continue to Furnace Creek for some short walks to Gold Canyon and Natural Bridge. 

The road to the car park is gravel only with a small incline, nothing to worry about. Still, we get the thumbs up from a couple of 4 wheel-drives for driving up. So it's no surprise that ours is the only motorhome up there.

Now, what would other people do here? We had done a 1 1/2 hr walk in the morning heat, so possibly a short catnap and lunch afterwards, a coffee or so.... Not so with Claudia:  She had bought some wholemeal and other ingredients a couple of days ago, so she thinks this is the place to bake some wholemeal breadrolls! The first German bakery in the middle of Death Valley!

At the lowest part of Death Valley, at around 280 feet below sea level, there is currently a lake, I would believe for the first time in years. Locals tell us that the week before they had more rain than they usually have in a year.

After lunch another 1 hr walk up the hill, really amazing landscape with those snow-capped mountains around the valley, before we head to our last sightseeing point for the day: Zabriskie Point, famous for its views at sunset. Finally back to Furnace Creek Camping Ground for a good night's sleep before we're on our way to Las Vegas tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, habe nur eben mal so gerade festgestellt, dass ja heute Dein Jubeltag ist. Alles Gute, Gesundheit und ganz viel Glueck
    Doris und family aus Muenchen
