again, the process is rather simple, you have to be little determined, though ( not necessarily easy after a long haul flight!):
1. Get a B1/B2 Visa. This is done at your US embassy, in NZ it's the consulate in Auckland. You'll have to make an appointment for an interview ( online is best for the appointment ), on the day bring your documents to show that you can support yourself for the duration of the trip, show your relations in your country ( to ascertain that you will be returning after the trip) and your passports. Be frank and honest with the guy at the interview, tell him/her about your planned route and you should be fine. We got a 10 year visa easily.
However, this visa does not mean you can stay for 10 years, oh no! It only allows you to travel to The USA and present your wish for a I94 ( permit to stay) longer than the usual 3 months to the officer at immigration at the airport. It all depends on him/her ..or their supervisor. Although the officer at the desk is obviously entitled to grant I94's for up to 12 months they seem reluctant to do so.
Again you will need your documents re. finance, an address for the first couple of days etc. In our case the officer didn't want to give us more then 6 months so I asked to speak to the supervisor. The officer told ,me that might take quite some time, whether I really wanted to wait. Yes!
Et voila, 3 minutes later the female supervisor appeared, called him a sissy when he asked her her to sign our I94, and we had our I94 for 1 day after our flight out of the states, just over 9 months in total. He didn't seem happy but we were!