Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Cloudland Canyon State Park near Atlanta, Georgia

 After a pleasant drive through a large forest we arrived late at Cloudland State Park, a wooded area with an impressive gorge. Our 2 full days here we used for some bike rides and extensive walks down the gorge. We love staying at state parks as they offer far more space and are often in more natural areas than RV parks. Thru are cheaper, too :-). From here it's another day's drive to the East to Tallullah Falls, again a beautiful gorge, waterfall and all.

Claudia also joins the fire prevention brigade!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys
    We have now got reasonable internet access here in Bougainville(broadband at dial-up speed)but it has enabled us to go to this blog and follow much of your travels. Your trip is almost identical to one we have often talked of undertaking when we leave here so it is particularly interesting for us. We shall enjoy continuing to travel with you. Susan and Tony
