Monday, March 15, 2010

Port Aransas

Again, we have done a lot of driving recently, so the plan is for some relaxation on the beach. On the internet we have found a nice looking RV park on Mustang Island, some 30 miles or so from Corpus Christi.
On our way here there were incredibly huge refineries - which we had not expected - to remind you that Texas is an oil state. We are actually a little sick of those cities where all business life exists along the highways and you'll never find an 'old city' worth mentioning. Therefore, we bypass Corpus Christi and reach Port Aransas on another overcast day. The weather forecast is for sunshine, however, so we'll be fine.
Well, sunshine it is, once the mist clears up late in the afternoon. This goes on for 3 days until we leave, unbelievable!
We discover another phenomenon of American beaches, at least that's how it seems to us. At Hermosa Beach in Los Angeles we had been wondering that there was a paved 'boardwalk' along the beach, straight on for miles, no trees to provide shade, nothing green, kind of machined beach,hmmmm. Same here in Port Aransas, some apartment blocks along the 15 or 20 miles along the beach, some resorts, and a 3 lane wide road along the dunes, absolutely straight, going for miles, no tree, nothing but car parks on the sand where you have to pay for a parking permit.It seems to confirm another impression we had earlier: the Americans are not the greatest walkers in daily life, everything has been made accessible by car. People drive to the beach, sit in front of their car and ...  slightly different from life in New Zealand or Australia.
For the following week the area expects hordes of teenage students, it's Spring Break! This means: we're off again, leaving Texas for Louisiana.

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